How to Make Turai Gosht
Turai Gosht Recipe
- 1 Tblsp Salt
- 1 Tblsp red chilli flakes
- 1/2 tsp Turmeric
- 1 tsp Garam masala
- 1 Tblsp Coriander powder
- 1/2 cup oil
- 2 Tomatoes Cube cutting
- 3 Green chilli chopped
- 1 Tblsp garlic, and ginger
- 600gm beef meat
- 3 onion chopped
- 1kg Turai
- 2 Glass water
Step 1: Take a pan pour the 2 glass water, add 600gm beef meat, Add 3 onion chopped add 1 Tblsp Salt, add 1 tblsp red chilli flakes, 1/2 tsp Turmeric, 2 tomatoes Cube cutting, 3 Green chilli chopped, 1 tblsp garlic, and ginger, mix it well and cover it for 45 minutes . After 45 minutes all things ara cooked.
Step 2: Then Add 1/2 cup oil and stir it for 15 minutes, add turai, mix it well, cook it well until its extra water will be soaked, the Add 1 tsp Garam masala , 1 Tblsp Coriander powder and cook it for 5 more minutes.
Turai is ready to serve!